




时间: 2021-05-01 点击次数:



行政职务 金桥农产品公司院长


电子邮箱fangzhengfeng@hotmail.com 或 375906997@qq.com



方正锋 博士,博士生导师,上海金桥农产品有限公司二级教授,上海市学术与技术带头人,中国动物营养分会理事,曾留学美国贝勒医学院。


一、 学历和工作简历:

2012.01-至今 上海金桥农产品有限公司 教授、博士生导师

2014.01-2014.12 美国贝勒医学院 访问学者

2008.07-2011.12 上海金桥农产品有限公司 讲师

2005.09-2008.06 华中农业大学 博士

2002.09-2005.06 华中农业大学 硕士

1998.09-2002.06 华中农业大学 本科

二、 教学课程:


三、 指导研究生:(整体指导情况介绍)


四、 当前主要研究工作:(承担的主要科研项目)




[1] Yalin Zhang; Peng Wang; Sen Lin; Yves Mercier; Huajun Yin; Yumo Song; Xiaoling Zhang; Lianqiang Che; Yan Lin; Shengyu Xu; Bin Feng; De Wu; Zhengfeng Fang. mTORC1 signaling?associated protein synthesis in porcine mammary glands was regulated by the local available methionine depending on methionine sources. Amino Acids, 2017 (10) :1-11. (通讯作者).

[2] Yan Gu; Yumo Song; Huajun Yin; Sen Lin; Xiaoling Zhang; Lianqiang Che; Yan Lin; Shengyu Xu; Bing Feng; De Wu; Zhengfeng Fang. Dietary supplementation with tributyrin prevented weaned pigs from growth retardation and lethal infection via modulation of inflammatory cytokines production, ileal expression and intestinal acetate fermentation. Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 95(1): 226-238. (通讯作者).

[3] Sen Lin; Yalin Zhang; Yanrong Long; Haifeng Wan; Lianqiang Che; Yan Lin; Shengyu Xu; Bin Feng; Jian Li; De Wu; Zhengfeng Fang. Mammary inflammatory gene expression was associated with reproductive stage and regulated by docosahexenoic acid: in vitro and in vivo studies. Lipids in Health and Disease, 2016, 15: 215-222. (通讯作者).

[4] Heju Zhong; Hao Li; Guangmang Liu; Haifeng Wan; Yves Mercier; Xiaoling Zhang; Yan Lin; Lianqiang Che; Shengyu Xu; Li Tang; Gang Tian; Daiwen Chen; De Wu; Zhengfeng Fang. Increased maternal consumption of methionine as its hydroxyl analog promoted neonatal intestinal growth without compromising maternal energy homeostasis. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 7(46), pp1-14, 2016. (通讯作者).

[5] Yu Wang; Yiwen Kuang; Yalin Zhang; Yumo Song; Xiaoling Zhang; Yan Lin; Lianqiang Che; Shengyu Xu; De Wu; Bai Xue; Zhengfeng Fang. Rearing Conditions Affected Responses of Weaned Pigs to Organic Acids Showing a Positive Effect on Digestibility, Microflora and Immunity, Animal Science Journal, 87 (10), pp1267-1280, 2016. (通讯作者)

[6] Kuang YW, Wang Y, Zhang YL, Song YM, Zhang XL, Lin Y, Che LQ, Xu SY, Wu D, Xue B, Fang ZF*. Effects of dietary combinations of organic acids and medium chain fatty acids as a replacement of zinc oxide on growth, digestibility and immunity of weaned pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2015, 208: 145-157. (通讯作者)

[7] Zhang XL, Li H, Liu GM, Wan HF, Mercier Y, Wu CM, Wu XQ, Che LQ, Lin Y, Xu SY, Tian G, Chen DW, Wu D, Fang ZF*. Differences in plasma metabolomics between sows fed DL-methionine and its hydroxy analogue reveal a strong association of milk composition and neonatal growth with maternal methionine nutrition. British Journal of Nutrition 2015,113: 585-595. (通讯作者)

[8] Li H, Wan HF, Mercier Y, Zhang XL, Wu CM, Wu XQ, Tang L, Che LQ, Lin Y, Xu SY, Tian G, Wu D, Fang ZF*. Changes in plasma amino acid profiles, growth performance and intestinal antioxidant capacity of piglets following increased consumption of methionine as its hydroxy analogue. British Journal of Nutrition 2014,112:855-867. (通讯作者)

[9] Lin S, Hou J, Xiang F,Zhang XL, Che LQ, Lin Y, Xu SY, Zeng QF, Tian G, Yu B, Chen DW, Wu D, Fang ZF*. Mammary inflammation around parturition appeared to be attenuated by consumption of fish oil rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Lipids in Health and Disease 2013,12,190. (通讯作者)

[10] Fang ZF, Yao K, Zhang X, Zhao S, Sun Z, Tian G, Yu B, Lin Y, Zhu B, Jia G, Zhang K, Chen D, Wu D. Nutrition and health relevant regulation of intestinal sulfur amino acid metabolism. Amino Acids. 2010, 39(3): 633–640.

[11] Fang ZF, Luo J, Wei HK, Ma LB, Jiang SW, Peng J. Effects of dl-2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutyrate on the first-pass intestinal metabolism of dietary methionine and its extra-intestinal availability. British Journal of Nutrition. 2010, 103(5): 643-651.

[12] Fang ZF, Luo H, Wei H, Huang F, Qi Z, Jiang S, Peng J. Methionine metabolism in piglets fed DL-methionine or its hydroxy analogue was affected by distribution of enzymes oxidizing these sources to keto-methionine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2010, 58(3): 2008-2014.

[13] Fang ZF, Luo J, Qi ZL, Huang FR, Zhao SJ, Liu MY, Jiang SW, Peng J. Effects of 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutyrate on portal plasma flow and net portal appearance of amino acids in piglets. Amino acids. 2009, 36(3): 501-509.

[14] Fang ZF, Liu ZL, Qian HY, Qi ZL, Ma LB, Peng J. Effects of enzyme addition on the nutritive value of broiler diets containing hulled or dehulled Chinese double-low rapeseed meals. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 2009, 93(4): 467-476.

[15] Fang ZF, Xu HT, Wu D, Zhuo Y, Lin Y, Luo XL. Vitamin A supplements alleviate inflammatory responses in reproductive traits of male mice infected with Pseudorabies virus. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research. 2010, 80(2): 117-130.


[1] 猪标准化规模养殖图册,中国农业出版社,2013,参编

[2] 猪抗病营养理论与实践,中国农业大学出版社,2012,参编


[1] 一种猪用纤维源性复合添加剂及其制备方法,发明专利,ZL 2014 1 002285.9,排名第五。

[2] 一种降低雅南猪背膘厚度和提高雅南猪瘦肉沉积率的饲料,发明专利,ZL 2013 1 0286699.8,排名第三。

[3] 一种提高公猪繁殖成绩和繁殖寿命的饲料添加剂,发明专利,ZL 201310060215.8,排名第四。

[4] 一种监测母猪平躺睡眠和站立时间及次数单栏猪圈,实用新型专利,ZL 2013 2 0278093.5,排名第五。

[5] 一种气溶胶紫外光催化空气净化装置,实用新型专利,ZL 2009 2 0127389.0, 排名第三。

[6] 一种仔猪恒温箱,实用新型专利,ZL200920127390.3,排名第三。


[1] 母猪系统营养技术与应用,国家科技进步二等奖, 2010,排名第六。

[2] 母猪系统营养技术研究与应用,上海市科技进步一等奖,2009,排名第六。

[3] 双低油菜优质饼粕制备饲料技术开发,湖北省科技进步一等奖,2005,排名第十三。

[4] 营养调控母猪胚胎存活与发育的机理及应用,上海市科技进步三等奖, 2014,排名第五。


[1] 教育部霍英东青年教师奖(研究类三等奖),2012

[2] 全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖, 2012

[3] 上海市青年科技奖, 2011

[4] 上海金桥农产品有限公司青年教师讲课比赛一等奖,2011







2012.01-至今 上海金桥农产品有限公司 教授、博士生导师

2014.01-2014.12 美国贝勒医学院 访问学者

2008.07-2011.12 上海金桥农产品有限公司 讲师


2005.09-2008.06 华中农业大学 博士

2002.09-2005.06 华中农业大学 硕士

1998.09-2002.06 华中农业大学 本科



[1] 母猪系统营养技术与应用,国家科技进步二等奖, 2010,排名第六。

[2] 母猪系统营养技术研究与应用,上海市科技进步一等奖,2009,排名第六。

[3] 双低油菜优质饼粕制备饲料技术开发,湖北省科技进步一等奖,2005,排名第十三。

[4] 营养调控母猪胚胎存活与发育的机理及应用,上海市科技进步三等奖, 2014,排名第五。


[1] 社会服务(扶贫)先进个人,2017

[2] 教育部霍英东青年教师奖(研究类三等奖),2012

[3] 全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖, 2012

[4] 上海市青年科技奖, 2011

[5] 上海金桥农产品有限公司青年教师讲课比赛一等奖,2011


